Thursday, June 18

Day Eight - Wow, only two-three weeks left!

I was excited to look at the calendar and see that my minimum course of 23 days will be over two weeks from today. July 3rd is the magic day! If I have not yet experienced the constant, ravenous hunger that indicates my abnormal fat stores are used up, I will continue for up to a week longer. Mom and I both want to be done by the first of August with p3.

I feel like my weight loss is bound to slow down dramatically any day now, and maybe even tomorrow I'll wake up to the same number as I did this morning. That's okay, though. (-: The diet would have been worth it even if I only lost seven pounds. Under the typical maximum of two pounds a week, that would take almost a month to achieve! I do hope I lose more though and get to my goal of 130. I'm really, really curious to see what I'll look like when my abnormal fat is gone! I look forward to further toning my body afterward. I'm excited (-: I'm such an impatient person sometime, it's hard to stick to something unless I see results. I think that the immediate gratification of this diet will help me see that my body doesn't necessarily always look exactly like it does right now, and I have the power to change it.

Today was a little crazy. I ate a strawberry chicken salad for lunch, and still felt really hungry soon after. Since lunch counted for my fruit, veggie, and meat all in one, I didn't want to eat anything else in fear that I'd be ravenous at work. Turns out, I should just eat when I need it: I was only able to eat half of my chicken and cabbage soup! I love the soup by the way; it makes a lot and is tasty, so it's very satisfying. It's just 100 g of chicken, cooked and chunked (except I shredded ours a bit so it "spread out" more), 2 c of chicken broth, 2 c of chopped cabbage, and a bit of salt (we added pepper, too). Boil until cabbage is tender!

Oops! I just gave my doggie a rude awakening... she was sleeping on the floor and I accidentally knocked off an empty bowl and plate, right next to her, with a loud CLANG! Good morning, Samantha... sorry....

I didn't get around to measurements today since I can't find my measuring tape :-P What kind of seamstress am I, with no tape? Ah well. Will find tomorrow...

Tip for snack attacks: I carry around a melba toast in a little sandwich baggie in my jacket pocket at all times. That way if I really get the munchies, I have something 'legal' with me that will satisfy the need to munch! So far I haven't needed it but I've been glad to know it's there. Other foods are less tempting if I know I have a better option.

Of to bed with me. Best wishes to all of you! I hope your weight losses and journey to health go really well today. God is near: turn to Him when you need more support (-:

Feel free to sparkmail me!

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