Saturday, June 20

Days Nine and Ten

Well, the past couple days were good and bad. Good for weight loss: I'm down 10.something lbs so far, and I started the VLCD a week ago from today. I finally measured myself, and lose everywhere except in the bust (no complaints here!). Between my upper arm, bust, waist, hip, butt, and upper thight, I've lost a total of 7-some inches so far. I can't see the difference but apparently it's there. I was excited about that.

The hard part started with such a long shift nannying. I took my hCG at about 10:00 am, but since I was out until 4:00am on the job I couldn't take my hCG until I got back, which means about 18 hours of mostly awake time. Sublingual treatments are supposed to be about every 12 hours. I didn't think it would be a big deal, but it defiinitely was sometimes! I had hunger pangs, which is the first time I've experienced that on this diet.

The lack of sleep has made this a long day for me overall, and we had two separate father's day celebrations to go to. By the time we got home, my mood and energy level had completely crashed! I started getting really strong cravings for foods I can't have, too. Nothing in particular, just anything besides an apple or celery! Something starchy and hot and yummy.

I'm going to go try to make a baked apple with Stevia and cinnamon instead. (-: As tempted as I am sometimes to cheat, when I'm getting incredible results like this there's no way I want to jeopardize it by caving in.

On a related note, everyone should read "The Mood Cure". It talks about how our mood problems are connected to ammino acids, and how all it takes is a few months taking the right supplement and it can really make an incredible difference in your depression, anxiety, over sensitivity, irritability, addictions even. Mom and I are both excited about trying it out. At first I was hesitant to try it and be on hCG at the same time, but there are others that have done it with no adverse reactions, and I'm so ready for my depression to be over with. It's so hard to do stuff when I have no energy, or feel irritable, or am just an emotional flatline. I'm really excited. (-: Have any of you tried it?

Best of luck to all of you. Have a healthy day!

Day Ten:
Weight: 134.2
%Body Fat: 32.0

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